Wednesday, February 21, 2007

You In My Hut Now

Good Vibrations was a great day out! There was the usual "festival" type problems, like sound cross-over between tents, long drink queues (but not for the toilets - hoorah!) and phone lines being backed up. Yes, I missed Snoop. I've posted some of my photos at Resident Advisor.

My ex-housemate, Mezla, messaged me on the weekend asking about a track that featured on an early mix CD from Sweetchilli by a guy called Jilbert. When I got hold of that CD, with tracks from Knee Deep, Brancaccio & Asher, Derrick Carter, Green Velvet.. it was like the best thing ever. Whatever happened to that guy?

I brought the CD into the office yesterday.. which prompted a mega reminicing moment with my roomie. Back to the days of "funky house" and girls wriggled their hips with arms in the air, prancing around their handbags on the floor and singing to the girly vocals. Disco synths, Latin / african drums, brass sections.. sometimes there was a live bongo drummer or saxaphone. With the likes of Shamus, Jools, Craig Obey, Matt Roberts and John Glover championing the sound in Sydney and Eric Morillo, Chris Lum, Joey Negro and KOT internationally and labels like Subliminal and Hed Kandi with popular worldwide mix CDs.

With recent house releases and remixes that I've stumbled on .. I've been wondering if I could be persuaded to go back to my house music roots? A track that I've dug up from waaaay back that definately rates up the top of my best tracks list:

Alan Braxe and Fred Falke - Intro / Running

Does funky house mix with baltimore and bhangra?


1 comment:

I used to dance with my daddy said...

jilbert moved to london about 12 months back I think...