Friday, March 30, 2007


The first ever V Festival in Sydney is on tomorrow at Centennial Park and I'm pretty excited about a nice day out in the field (or so the BoM tells me), I'll still pack the poncho though!

One act that I'm really looking forward to seeing is
Phoenix. And you will see in the set times that they are playing at 315 at 'This Stage'. Bit of a shame that they are playing so early, but I guess its more suitable as nice afternoon music. Following are some samples from their 3 albums!

United (2000)
Phoenix - Funky Squaredance
I think it'd be too easy to post 'Too Young' or 'If I Ever Feel better'. Its a bit Daft Punk-esque.

Alphabetical (2004)
Phoenix - Holdin On Together
"..I.. try to set the night of fire.."

Its Never Been Like That (2006)
Phoenix - Sometimes In the Fall
Bit of a power ballad to end it off.

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