Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Gutted about the Little Barrie post

No really I am.

I've been wanting to post about this act for ages. I've even had the link saved and ready to go.

Darn having no time for anything except work (but good on Mishmillionaire).

Props to her for beating me to it, although DAMN THE MAN. *shakes first at current work workload*.

Anyhow, because Mish rocks hardcore, and because I've got serious props for her music, pls have one more Little Barrie tune. It's from their first album Free Salute. Their next album apparently kicks it all over the first.


mishillionaire said...

By "first album".. do you mean 'We Are Little Barrie".. and by "tune off Free Salute".. do you mean 'a B-side off the Free Salute single'?.. and by "next album".. do you mean the one I just mentioned - 'Stand Your Ground'?

God bless the internet.

I used to dance with my daddy said...

ok, clearly I meant what you're getting at. but shouldn't you be happy that I posted for the 2nd time in as many weeks rather than digging on me in public?



What's a gal to do? She name checks you and everything.

I'm a yes to wed by the way. but not til after 10pm. xx

mishillionaire said...

Whats on Wednesday? Because I know I'm going to be at Little Britain.

I assume you mean Thursday.

Sort it out, you battler.