October 10th is MSTRKRFT MONDAY @ Starfuckers @ Club 77.
It's now confirmed that Mstrkrft will be playing a one off FREE (yes free!) show @ Club 77 on Monday night.
Maaaan. Monday. There's something clearly diabolical about Monday night parties that I love. *Remembers Stink @ T-Bar in London with fondness*. Monday's the new Sunday innit.
Download Kennedy Killed the Hat.
Like what you hear? Then buy the album.
I went to the Mstrkrft show at the Forum last night. It was pretty faultless. Great set. Reasonably good crowd (except for the f*cking Bang Gang dance being epidemic, hand me the gun please).
My only negative was that I felt they relied a little too heavily on playing big tunes and that it would have been nice to hear a few more tracks that were unfamiliar. But that's probably the Sydney crowd more than anything else. If they can't sing to it or don't know they quickly lose attention...
Best part? Inviting the crowd to bum rush the stage, which quickly turned into a booty shaking, pogo stick jumping, liability for the security madly trying to remove people. (They failed incidentally).

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